The New Normal

Valerie Casey

The New Normal

Filmed on October 14, 2011, at Pivot: AIGA Design Conference

About this video

What does design look like next? We are experiencing unprecedented global change in economics cultures and priorities. Natural catastrophes social unrest and financial turmoil have created the perfect storm where the notion of returning to “business as usual” is not only improbable but impossible. Designers have an opportunity to contribute richly to creating the new world order but only if we adapt our mindsets and methodologies. As a community we are at the cusp of a great transformation: evolving from making products to developing services negotiating the balance between strategy and craft participating in deeper transdisciplinary conversations and finding a authentic foothold in the world of “good.” What do we need to do to transform our thinking and practices to help build the new normal?

Speaker bio

Valerie Casey is a globally recognized designer and innovator. She works with organizations on challenges ranging from creating new products and services to transforming organizational processes and behaviors. Before starting her own practice Necessary Projects in San Francisco she held leadership positions at IDEO frog and Pentagram. Casey is the founder of the Designers Accord the global coalition of designers educators and business leaders working together to create positive sustainable impact. Casey was named a “Guru” of the year by Fortune magazine a “Hero of the Environment” by Time magazine a “Master of Design” by Fast Company and one of the “World’s Most Influential Designers” by BusinessWeek. The World Economic Forum has honored Casey as a “Young Global Leader.”